Advanced Chakra Therapy

from $30.00

Experience an enhanced, elevated and powerful therapy treatment.

Our NEW PEMF Crystal Therapy Mat offers 7 Treatments in one!

Using state of the art advanced technology, This treatment boosts and improves your energy by not only cleansing and balancing your chakras, but also stimulates the body’s own regeneration processes.

Helping the body to:

-Feel more aligned with self

-Recover from daily tension and stress faster

-Rejuvenate cells more intensely

-Heals damaged tissue and bones

-Promotes better mood

-Pain management

-Relax muscles

-Improve joint flexibility, and circulation

+ so much more!


Now available for In-person AND distance/ remote sessions!


This New technology can be transferred ( same as a distance/remote energy healing session) but in a new innovated way! I have tested this mat out during remote healing and although a completely different experience to regular distance energy healing) it is transferred the exact same way!

You will experience everything this advanced treatment has to offer, just as a remote session, in the comfort of your own space.

*Once session is purchased, please email to schedule your appointment


You will be physically laying on this heated mat, tuned and set to a hertz frequency of your choice ( addressing an array of concerns such as chronic pain, stress/anxiety, wound healing + more) while listening to calming, soothing music.

*DISCLAIMER FOR IN-PERSON SESSIONS: Not is not suitable for individuals with a pacemaker or a metal implant. If you have any preexisting conditions that may be cause for concern, ask your doctor if PEMF Heat therapy is a suitable treatment for you.

*After you purchase your session - Please email to schedule your appointment .

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