Pranayama Breathwork

from $80.00

1:1 In Person or Remote

Pranayama is a Sanskrit word formed by the conjunction of two words, namely “prana,” meaning breath of life/vital energy, and “ayama,” meaning expansion/regulation/control

This Somatic Healing is a 2 part active, conscious breathing technique, that allows deep self exploration.

With no pauses between inhale and exhale, your body naturally begins to release physical tension and surface levels of stress. This type of breathing not only teaches you how to breathe fully, getting more oxygen to your brain and body. But also has the capacity to release deeper emotional and mental pattern, such as fears, blocks and negative beliefs.

By breathing in an open, relaxed way, your body begins to create an increased state of energy called Activation that helps to uncover, release and integrate physical, emotional and mental patterns

By establishing a firm foundation of relational safety and breathing in this somatically-guided way, your brain and body learn to integrate what no longer serves as healthy attitudes and outlooks on life.

You will be guided in an active Breathwork to move you out of the mind, into the heart and a state of non-ordinary consciousness.  Then there will be a rest period to slowly integrate the movement of energy. Ending with time to share or ask questions.

With use of music, oils and guidance you will meet yourself in a deeply powerful transformative way!

  • 60 min - $88

  • 90 min - $122

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